4 FREE  SESSIONS! The Y is your partner in your health and fitness journey. Whether you are new to fitness, ready to get back into exercise, just looking for an extra edge, we are here to help you with the support, programs, and equipment you need to succeed.

You will receive your very own wellness coach that will meet with you three times to develop a strategy for success with each session lasting 30 minutes. Together, we will create SMART goals and learn more about the equipment and programs at the Y. Your coach will lead you through all aspects of a well-rounded fitness routine—cardio, strength, and flexibility training—along with discussion of nutrition principles that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. At your six-week mark, your coach will check in with you to celebrate your progress, answer questions, and map out a plan for moving forward. Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a free T-shirt that you can wear with pride since you “earned” it.

The program is FREE to members and is a $100 value! Schedule your first appointment at the Welcome Center.