Summer Camp Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Are my children going to be required to wear masks and gloves?

No, we are not requiring campers to wear masks. We do encourage everyone to be cautious and comfortable. We will ask all participants to follow any CDC, state, federal and local safety, and health recommendations

Am I able to provide my own masks for my child?

Yes, if you feel more secure with your child wearing a mask, you may provide one.

Will there be a maximum number of children who can attend summer camp and summer camp activities while being properly physically distanced?

Yes, there is a limit to the children we can care for within our facility to ensure their safety by physical distancing. Each summer camp age group will be limited to 9 campers per group, per day. It is imperative that you pre-register for camp to ensure a spot will be available for your child on the days/weeks that child care is needed.

How are you keeping track of how many children are in the building at a time?

Each child must be pre-registered for that current week, and the child must be checked in and out daily upon drop-off and pick-up.

Is there going to be a new way to check my child in and out without using paper?

Yes, digital check-in/out will take place at curbside drop off and pick up to promote proper sanitization for the digital device used.

If I show up with a fever and my child does not have one, am I still able to leave my child at the door and have one of the staff members come to get them to walk them back?

No, both the parent and child must be fever free for 72 hours before returning.

If I or my child show up with a fever, how long until we can continue using the services?

Both the parent and child must be fever free for 72 hours before returning.

If my child falls ill during the day and I am contacted, do I have to come to get them right away, or am I able to wait until I am off work/out of the doctors, etc.?

We will call you and ask you to come to get your child as soon as possible. Please have an emergency person you can call to come to get your child if you are unable.

Am I able to send my child in with their current required medication? If so, how will I know my child has taken it at the proper time? If not, what am I supposed to do if they are not able to miss or take a later dose?

Any medication that needs to be administered should be given to the Camp Coordinator. Please have written instructions as per quantity, time to administer, other directions, and WRITTEN permission for the YMCA staff to administer the medication. The medication must be in a container distributed to you by your pharmacist with typed instructions on the bottle. Please bring a small picture of your child so we can add it to the zip lock bag the medication will be housed.

What protocols are in place if my child has an allergic reaction but does not have an EpiPen?

If you have not provided an EpiPen or informed us of your child’s allergy and they have an allergic reaction, we will call 911, and assist the dispatcher through the emergency.

Should I pack sunscreen and bug spray for my child?

Yes, please send sunscreen and bug spray for your child. Campers will be spending most of their time outdoors.

Should I pack an extra pair of clothes and shoes just in case?

Extra clothes are not required for older children in camp but are recommended for campers in the Pre-K-1st.

Is there certain clothing or shoe types that should not be worn by my child?

Children are required to wear closed-toed shoes and should wear comfortable play clothes that parents would not mind if they were to get dirty. Please no flip flops for camp. Campers must wear gym shoes in the gym. No bare feet allowed in the gym.

Who can pick up my child? How do you know someone is authorized to pick up my child?

Upon registration, you completed a Signature Authorization form informing us who has your permission to pick up your child. Please inform your approved list to bring a picture ID when picking up campers. At pick-up, an ID is required.

Can anyone drop my child off or does it have to be me?

The person dropping off must be on the approved pick up/drop off the list.

Am I able to take my child’s friend home with me if their parent sends a note to okay it?

Children will only be released to persons who are on that child’s pick up/drop off list.

How do I go about picking up my child’s friend with my child?

You must be on that child’s approved Signature Authorization form and show ID to confirm.

Are other parents able to pick up my child for me and take them to their house until I can pick them up?

The person picking up/dropping off must be on the approved Signature Authorization form that you completed when you registered your child.


Where and how do I register for camp?

Registration for summer camp is on our website–

Do I have to pay for registration when I register my child or am I able to pay after they begin camp?

A non-refundable registration fee of $50 is due for each child you enroll in camp at the time of registration.

When do I have to pay for camp?

You must choose a pricing rate, weekly or daily for a 2-week period, and pre-pay for your choice. If you make a change in the next two-week period, you will need to make that change by the Wednesday before that two-week period begins.

Am I able to drop my child off if I get called into work last minute? Do I have to pay upon drop off or can I pay at the end of the day or even the next day?

You will need to call the Y to make sure there is room for your child in their age group and pre-pay over the phone for that day. We are a pre-pay program.

Do I have to pre-register my child for camp?

If you plan to send your child for the ten weeks of camp, you only have to pre-register changes.

How many hours a day does the daily rate of $25 cover?

Drop off begins as early as 6:00 am and pick up ends at 6:00 pm.

If I need my child to come to camp for only a few hours, do I have to pay for a full day or is it prorated?

Prices are set by the day and will not be prorated based on the number of hours the child is at camp.

If my child must leave early for an emergency or an appointment, will I be prorated for the remainder of the day?

No, prices are set by the week and will not be prorated based on the number of hours the child is at camp.

What is a CIT?

A CIT is a counselor in training.

Are you accepting CITs this year?

Due to COVID-19 physical distancing and group limits, we are not offering the CIT program this year.

Do we have to pay extra for my child to be fed during summer camp?

No, each child will be provided breakfast, lunch, and two snacks if they are present during those designated times.

Is it better to sign my child up for the week even if they only come two or three days or do I have to register them day by day?

That is a personal preference. If you choose the full week – you will pay the weekly rate, if you choose to register daily you will pay the daily rates. You must be pre-registered for either choice you make.

If I sign my child up for a week and they miss a day, will I be prorated for that?

No, prices are set by the week and will not be prorated based on the number of days the child is at camp.

Will I get a refund if I decide I do not need my child in the camp anymore?

No, but any money on your account for camp will be applied as a credit to your account.

Will they be receiving a camp shirt? Is the price of that included in the registration fee?

Yes, the children will be receiving camp shirts. You were to choose a T-shirt size for your children when you registered. The price of the shirt is included in the registration fee.

What happens if I am late to pick up my child? Will I be charged a fee? If so, how much?

Summer camp ends promptly at 6:00 PM. If you arrive later, you will be required to pay an additional fee of $10 for every 10 minutes or portion thereof, after 6:00 PM sign out time. (Example: 7 minutes late will be $10 fee.)

Am I able to take my child to summer camp if I just want to work out? Will I still have to pay for camp if I am only working out for an hour or two?

Children must be pre-registered for camp. Prices are set by the week and will not be prorated based on the number of days and/or hours the child is at camp. Members can utilize the facility if/when their child is in our care in camp.

Where will I find important information about changes in the program and special activities planned at camp?

Newsletters will be posted on our website at and will be emailed to your provided email address. Please check our Facebook page also.

What if my child is on the Voucher program?

Parents who have a Hoosier Works card are responsible to swipe their child in and out each day at camp with the POS (Pont of Service) machine each day. If you are unable to swipe your child in and out for any reason, please swipe them in on at least a weekly basis. If you fail to swipe within the 10-day period, you will receive a bill for service used during that time, and childcare service will be suspended until that bill is paid. Failure to swipe on a timely basis may disqualify you from the voucher program entirely in Indiana. Please contact Mrs. Sharon if you have any questions regarding the Voucher (CCDF) program.


What time will breakfast, and lunch be provided? What will be served?

Breakfast will be served from 8:00 – 8:30 AM. Lunches are at staggering times to ensure age groups do not intermingle. Breakfast and lunch are provided by the School City of Hobart. We will provide a menu for both meals. They will be rotated each week. Each day’s menu will be the same for the ten weeks.

What types of snacks are and at what time?

We serve healthy snacks such as whole wheat pretzels, animal crackers, cheese crackers, veggies, and dip, etc. Snack time is at 9:45 am and 3:15 pm.

Am I able to send my child with a sack lunch and drinks to get them through the day?

Please supply your child with a disposable water bottle daily. If you would like to send your child with their own lunch, it must be a “sack” lunch that does not require refrigeration.

Are allergy guidelines set in place to protect my child with food allergies?

Parents need to communicate allergies when they complete their camp application and keep our staff informed if any of that information changes. We communicate with our staff in which children have allergies.

How do you keep track of food containing allergens if children are bringing their own snacks in?

We provide snacks and do not recommend children bringing their own snacks unless arrangements have been made prior to camp with our Camp Coordinator because of certain food allergies. Snacks provided from home will be kept separate from our snacks and will be kept in a marked container for that child.

Am I able to send my child in with their EpiPen in case of an allergic reaction? Are they able to carry it on them or have it next to them during the eating times?

If a child has an allergy that would require an EpiPen, it is necessary for the parent to provide an EpiPen that will stay at the Y throughout camp, so it is available any time during camp. It must be in the box provided by the pharmacist with the child’s name. A small picture of your child needs to be included in the zip lock bag that will house the EpiPen. We will return the bag and its contents at the end of the camp. All medication will be kept in a safe place available to camp staff only.

Camp Activities

Does my child have to be there for the opening and closing ceremonies?

The opening ceremony will begin at 10 AM and the closing ceremony at 3 PM.

Will every child be chosen as a camper of the day at some point?

All campers can be chosen for camper’s award if they follow camp rules and model the character values of honesty, caring, respect, and responsibility.

What if my child can’t/does not want to participate in everyday swim, what will they do instead?

We encourage all campers to swim every day unless they have an open cut that.

Is my child required to participate in all activities during the day or are they able to sit out and do another activity?

We encourage children to participate in all activities with their group. If they choose not to do an activity, we will try to give them a coloring sheet or a book to read. Most activities will be outdoors this year, so you will need to prepare your child for that.

If I sign my child up for an extra activity that has an extra fee, will I be prorated if they are not able to make it to every session?

No, if your child does not attend every session, we do not prorate. We may, if time permits, have them do a project when they come to camp another day. If the Y cancels an activity, we will have a makeup day, if possible, or give credit.

How will you keep track of children that are supposed to go to extra activities? Will I have to show up to make sure they get there, or will a counselor do it?

Staff will ensure that children attend their extra activities during the designated times.

What type of field trips will my child be able to take and where will they go? How much will they cost? Will I be able to go with you?

Unfortunately, there will be no field trips this year due to COVID-19.

What is the difference between summer camp swim lessons and regular swim lessons?

The class participates learn the same skills in both camp and regular swim lessons. Camp swim lessons are for 8 weeks and the parent does not need to be present. Regular swim lessons are priced for the month and parents are responsible for being with the child for the duration of the class time.

Why do summer camp swim lessons cost more than regular swim lessons?

Camp swim lessons are priced for 8 weeks, whereas regular swim lessons are priced for 4 weeks.

Will I be required to swim with my child during swim time?

No, during camp swim lessons, counselors are instructors who will be responsible for taking your child to and from lessons.

Should my child bring shower supplies for after swimming to wash their body and hair?

Yes, showering before and after using the pool is required.

If I sign my child up for Sports Camps, do they have to participate every week or are they able to skip the sport they do not like? Will I be prorated for this?

Your child will not be prorated if they choose not to participate in a Sports Camp they have signed up for.

Does my child have to participate in gardening? Will they be sent home with any plants?

Your child will be able to water the garden and learn about the plants growing in the garden. They will also listen to books read to them in the garden area about the garden, ecology, and the environment. We will not be sending home plants with your child unless they do an activity with their group and have planted something.

My child is not the quiet or sitting still type, how do you plan to get them to cooperate during quiet and reflection time?

We will expect every child to sit still for a small amount of time. You as the parent can help your child to follow the rules of camp so they will have fun. Sitting still is expected of them at school, at church and at other places they will participate in life. Most camp activities are hands-on and active.

Is there any praying involved in the opening and closing ceremonies or quiet and reflection time?

Every morning at our opening session, we will have a devotion that will help teach our campers a character value. We normally do not pray each day, but there may be times when a prayer is spoken. We are the Young Men’s Christian Association. If your child does not pray, they do have to but will need to maybe still and respectful during the prayer time.

Is my child able to bring their own books/kindles for Sunshine Scholars or are books provided? Are there any book restrictions?

Books are provided by the Y. Please do not send any personal toys, sports equipment, electronics, or books with your camper. If we see these items, we will ask for them and hold them until the end of the camp day. The YMCA is not responsible for any personal items that are brought to camp from home.

If my child has a birthday coming up, are they able to bring cupcakes or any kind of snacks to celebrate with their friends?

We would prefer a healthy snack to be brought to camp instead of cupcakes or candy. All birthday snacks should be store-bought. Please check with the Camp Coordinator before bringing in any type of snacks from home.

Is my child able to bring in their own activities to do? Are they able to use their own supplies?

Please do not send any personal activities or supplies to your child.

Will I have to buy any supplies to help support camp activities?

No, all supplies needed to support camp activities will be purchased by the Y.

Is my child allowed to bring their own toys or phones/tablets/laptops?

Please do not send any personal toys, electronics, sports equipment, or books with your camper. If we see these items, we will ask for them and hold them until the end of the camp day. The YMCA is not responsible for any personal items that are brought to camp from home.

Are there any objects that are not allowed or would be a distraction during the day?

No personal items such as toys, electronics, sports equipment, or books are allowed at camp.

Is nap time available for any children, especially the younger ones? If so, do they need to bring a pillow and blanket, or are some provided?

We will not be taking naps at camp. We will have a rest time, but not one that will use a mat, blanket, or pillow. Please do not send a pillow or blanket with your child at camp.

What if my child needs some quiet, alone time during the day? Is that something you can provide outside of quiet and reflection time?

Campers will have time to sit and be quiet as well as reflect.